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Main » 2009 » Tháng 07 » 9 » 350 system32 Files I Do Not Delete...By Feature Part 1
11:45:36 350 system32 Files I Do Not Delete...By Feature Part 1 |
are undoubtedly more important reasons for not deleting some of these
files, as many files do have multiple uses. The reasons given here why
I do not delete these 350 files are just the first good reasons I
bumped into. If I couldn't boot to Windows without a particular file,
there didn't seem much need to look for other reasons why I should keep
it. The same would apply if a Windows feature I use wouldn't work
without a particular file.
You will read below about the files
necessary to watch Yahoo Movie Trailers. (I'm just using this as one
example.) This does not mean those are the only files necessary
to watch Yahoo Movie Trailers. It certainly goes without saying you
will be needing some Internet Explorer files...just to be able to get to the Yahoo Movie Trailers.
as I had Internet Explorer setup before I uncovered which files were
necessary for Microsoft Update, the files listed as necessary to watch
Yahoo Movie Trailers, I uncovered after I had certain other Windows
features setup on my system. For all I know, you may need a Microsoft
Update file to watch Yahoo Movie Trailers, but since I had Microsoft
Update setup first... Well, you can see what I'm getting at.
is highly probable too that some files necessary to watch Yahoo Movie
Trailers are also needed by other Windows features. You yourself may
delete one of the Yahoo Movie Trailer files, thinking you never watch
them anyway, and might then discover something else on your system
doesn't work.
This principle applies to many many Windows
features. Files have multiple uses. It's that simple, and that
complicated. This is the very reason I am not a proponent of removing
whole Windows components using file-removal programs. Files need to be
removed with precision.
Needed by Outlook Express
acctres.dll.....(Microsoft Internet Account Manager Resources). Needed to open Outlook Express.
ATL.DLL.........(ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode). Without this file Outlook Express will not open. You will receive this message when you click on the Outlook Express shortcut: Outlook Express could not be started because MSOE.DLL could not be found. Outlook Express may not be installed correctly. Also needed by Microsoft Update. And needed to open Event and Services Viewers.
inetcomm.dll....(Microsoft Internet Messaging API). Without this file Outlook Express will not open. You will receive this message when you click on the Outlook Express shortcut: Outlook Express could not be started because MSOE.DLL could not be found. Outlook Express may not be installed correctly.
Additionally, the inetcomm.dll is needed in order to save a Webpage as
an offline Webpage with an .mht extension. Also needed to save an
offline Webpage with an .mht extension are the inetres.dll and the MSOERT2.DLL (Outlook Express files), and the MSHTML.TLB (Internet Explorer file).
inetres.dll.....(Microsoft Internet Messaging API Resources). Without this file Outlook Express will not open. You will receive this message when you click on the Outlook Express shortcut: Outlook Express could not be started because MSOERES.DLL could not be found. Outlook Express may not be installed correctly.
Additionally, the inetres.dll is needed in order to save a Webpage as
an offline Webpage with an .mht extension. Also needed to save an
offline Webpage with an .mht extension are the inetcomm.dll and the MSOERT2.DLL (Outlook Express files), and the MSHTML.TLB (Internet Explorer file).
mshtmler.dll....(Microsoft ® HTML Editing Component's Resource DLL). Needed to insert a picture in E-mail.
msident.dll.....Microsoft Identity Manager
msidntld.dll....Microsoft Identity Manager
MSOEACCT.DLL....Microsoft Internet Account Manager
Outlook Express RT Lib). Additionally, the MSOERT2.DLL is needed in
order to save a Webpage as an offline Webpage with an .mht extension.
Also needed to save an offline Webpage with an .mht extension are the inetcomm.dll and the inetres.dll (Outlook Express files), and the MSHTML.TLB (Internet Explorer file).
Mail). The sendmail.dll is a library file used for sending mail via
Websites. When you select "Send Link by E-mail" in Internet Explorer's
File menu, Outlook Express will attach a URL to your E-mail. When
you delete the sendmail.dll file, the "Send To Desktop" will be removed
from your right-click context menu. If you UnRegister the sendmail.dll
file, the icon for the "Desktop (create shortcut).DeskLink" file in
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\SendTo will be erased.
Needed by Registry Editor
aclui.dll.......(Security Descriptor Editor). Needed to open Registry Editor.
clb.dll.........(Column List Box). Needed to open Registry Editor.
Needed by Event Viewer
ACTIVEDS.DLL....ADs Router Layer DLL
Compatibility Client Library). Should you install SP3, know that the
Management Console is now dependent upon the apphelp.dll and will not
open without it being present.
ATL.DLL ........ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode)
ELS.DLL.........Event Viewer Snapin
EVENTLOG.DLL....(Event Logging Service). Without this file present it will take a very long time for your system to boot to Windows.
EVENTVWR.EXE....(Event Viewer Snapin Launcher). Main Service file for Event Log.
eventvwr.msc....(Event Viewer Microsoft Management Console). Without this file present, instead of the Event Viewer opening, Device Manager will.
mfc42u.dll......MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
MMC.EXE.........Microsoft Management Console
mmcbase.dll.....MMC Base DLL
mmcndmgr.dll....MMC Node Manager DLL
MSXML3.DLL .....MSXML 3.0 SP 5
MSXML3R.DLL.....XML Resources
riched20.dll....(Rich Text Edit Control, v3.0). Contains functions for the Rich Text Edit control versions 2.0 and 3.0. Needed to read Information and Error Messages (Event Properties).
riched32.dll....(Wrapper Dll for Richedit 1.0). Contains functions for the Rich Text Edit control version 1.0. Needed to read Information and Error Messages (Event Properties).
Needed by Services Viewer
ACTIVEDS.DLL....ADs Router Layer DLL
Compatibility Client Library). Should you install SP3, know that the
Management Console is now dependent upon the apphelp.dll and will not
open without it being present.
ATL.DLL ........ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode)
filemgmt.dll....Services and Shared Folders
JSCRIPT.DLL.....Microsoft ® JScript
mfc42u.dll......MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
MMC.EXE.........Microsoft Management Console
mmcbase.dll.....MMC Base DLL
mmcndmgr.dll....MMC Node Manager DLL
MSXML3.DLL .....MSXML 3.0 SP 5
MSXML3R.DLL.....XML Resources
services.msc....(Services Viewer Microsoft Management Console). Without this file present, instead of the Services Viewer opening, Device Manager will.
Needed by PerfectDisk
ACTIVEDS.DLL....ADs Router Layer DLL
MSI.DLL.........(Windows Installer). PerfectDisk 6 needs the MSI.DLL. PerfectDisk 8 does not.
PDBoot.exe......PerfectDisk Boot Time Defragmentation
file created by PerfectDisk after performing an Offline Defrag. It can
be safely deleted, but will return the next time you have PerfectDisk
perform an Offline Defrag.
SHFOLDER.DLL....(Shell Folder Service). PerfectDisk 6 needs the SHFOLDER.DLL. PerfectDisk 8 does not.
WTSAPI32.DLL....(Windows Terminal Server SDK APIs). PerfectDisk 6 needs the WTSAPI32.DLL. PerfectDisk 8 does not.
Internet Explorer Files I Do Not Delete (See PART 9 for Internet Explorer Files I Delete.)
actxprxy.dll....(ActiveX Interface Marshaling Library). Essential to Internet Explorer.
ADVPACK.DLL.....(Advpack Library). Needed by Microsoft Update.
When you delete this file your Microsoft Update Start Menu shortcut
(the one created by Microsoft Update) is no longer functional. You can
create a new shortcut, but Microsoft Update will still need the
ADVPACK.DLL to function.
BROWSELC.DLL....(Shell Browser UI Library). Important for IE Toolbar. The Toolbar will look messed up without it, and you cannot right-click access "Customize" without it.
BROWSEUI.DLL...(Shell Browser UI Library). Needed to boot to Windows.
COMCTL32.DLL...(Common Controls Library). Needed to boot to Windows.
Provides the functionality to create and manage screen windows and most
basic controls, such as buttons and scrollbars, receive mouse and
keyboard input, and other functionality associated with the GUI part of
Windows. Gives applications access to some advanced controls provided
by the operating system. These include things like status bars,
progress bars, toolbars and tabs.
DCIMAN32.DLL...(DCI Manager). Needed by Websites with streaming media.
DHCPCSVC.DLL....(DHCP Client Service). Needed for Internet connectivity. Main Service file for DHCP Client.
dssenh.dll......(Microsoft Enhanced DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider). Also needed by Microsoft Update.
dxtmsft.dll.....(DirectX Media -- Image DirectX Transforms). When
you delete this file the "Next" button of the Windows Media Player
displayed when watching video on MSNBC has a small white blank box
covering it so you can't use it.
dxtrans.dll.....(DirectX Media -- DirectX Transform Core). When
you delete this file the "Next" button of the Windows Media Player
displayed when watching video on MSNBC has a small white blank box
covering it so you can't use it.
ESENT.DLL.......(Server Database Storage Engine). Needed by Microsoft Update. Also needed to open Properties of Disk Drives.
ieframe.dll.....(Internet Explorer). Essential to Internet Explorer 7. (Installed by Internet Explorer 7.)
ieframe.dll.mui.(Internet Explorer). Needed by Internet Explorer 7 Toolbar. (Installed by Internet Explorer 7.)
iepeers.dll.....(Internet Explorer Peer Objects). Needed to watch Yahoo Movie Trailers.
iertutil.dll....(Run time utility for Internet Explorer). Needed to start explorer.exe with Internet Explorer 7 installed on your system.
The explorer.exe (located in the C:\WINDOWS folder), manages the
Windows Graphical Shell including the Start Menu, Taskbar, Desktop, and
File Manager. Without it running, the graphical interface for Windows
will disappear. (The iertutil.dll is installed by Internet Explorer 7.)
ieui.dll........(Internet Explorer UI Engine). Essential to Internet Explorer 7. (Installed by Internet Explorer 7.)
imgutil.dll.....(IE plugin image decoder support DLL). Needed so you don't see those little red x's in place of some images.
inetcpl.cpl.....Internet Options
inetcplc.dll....(Internet Control Panel). Needed to access Internet Options.
MLANG.DLL.......(Multi Language Support DLL). Essential to Internet Explorer.
mshtml.dll......Microsoft ® HTML Viewer
MSHTML.TLB......(Microsoft ® MSHTML Typelib). Needed in order to save a Webpage as an offline Webpage with an .mht extension. Also needed to save an offline Webpage with an .mht extension are the inetcomm.dll, the inetres.dllMSOERT2.DLL (Outlook Express files).
MSHTMLED.DLL....(Microsoft ® HTML Editing Component). This
file gives you the ability to edit HTML. An example of that would be
when you edit one of your posts on some forums. You wouldn't be able to
do that without this file.
mshtmler.dll....(Microsoft ® HTML Editing Component's Resource DLL). Needed to insert a picture in E-mail using Outlook Express.
msident.dll.....(Microsoft Identity Manager). Needed by Outlook Express.
msidntld.dll....Microsoft Identity Manager
msls31.dll......(Microsoft Line Services library file). Essential to Internet Explorer.
MSWSOCK.DLL.....(Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider). Essential to Internet Explorer.
normaliz.dll....(Unicode Normalization DLL). Needed to start explorer.exe with Internet Explorer 7 installed on your system.
The explorer.exe (located in the C:\WINDOWS folder), manages the
Windows Graphical Shell including the Start Menu, Taskbar, Desktop, and
File Manager. Without it running, the graphical interface for Windows
will disappear. (The normaliz.dll is installed by Internet Explorer 7.)
occache.dll.....(Object Control Viewer). Needed to view icon for ActiveX objects in Downloaded Program Files. Otherwise, the ActiveX objects show up as .ini files.
pngfilt.dll.....(IE PNG plugin image decoder). Needed so you don't see those little red x's in place of some images.
RTUTILS.DLL.....(Routing Utilities). Needed by Websites with streaming media.
SCHANNEL.DLL....(TLS / SSL Security Provider). Also needed by Microsoft Update.
Mail). The sendmail.dll is a library file used for sending mail via
Websites. When you select "Send Link by E-mail" in Internet Explorer's
File menu, Outlook Express will attach a URL to your E-mail. When
you delete the sendmail.dll file, the "Send To Desktop" will be removed
from your right-click context menu. If you UnRegister the sendmail.dll
file, the icon for the "Desktop (create shortcut).DeskLink" file in
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\SendTo will be erased.
SHDOCLC.DLL.....(Shell Doc Object and Control Library). Needed to be able to access right-click options while right-clicking on a Webpage.
SHDOCVW.DLL.....(Shell Doc Object and Control Library). Needed to boot to Windows.
SHFOLDER.DLL....(Shell Folder Service). Needed by Microsoft Update. Also needed by PerfectDisk 6. (PerfectDisk 8 does not need the SHFOLDER.DLL.)
SHLWAPI.DLL.....(Shell Light-weight Utility Library). Needed to boot to Windows. Allows applications to access the functionality provided by the operating system shell, as well as change and enhance it.
url.dll.........(Internet Shortcut Shell Extension DLL). Displays default "e" icon for Internet Shortcuts and the one displayed in your Explorer Toolbar Address Bar.
urlmon.dll......(OLE32 Extensions for Win32). Essential to Internet Explorer.
webcheck.dll....(Web Site Monitor). Needed by Microsoft Update. You will need the webcheck.dll to install the new Microsoft Update software.
C:\WINDOWS\Offline Web Pages folder stores downloaded Webpages for
offline availability. By default, within the folder is the Web
Document, "My Current Home Page". When you click on it, you will be
taken to your Home Page. The URL you will then see in your Explorer
address bar should read "about:Home". When you right-click on "My
Current Home Page" and select Properties, you will see the options for
Offline Synchronization.
When you remove the webcheck.dll, the
options in Properties will no longer be available, and you will not be
able to get to "about:Home". The "My Current Home Page" will become a
desktop.ini. The Offline Web Pages folder itself will, after a time,
lose its default icon, becoming a plain, manila folder, as any other.
Or, it could lose its folder appearance entirely, and become a bland,
file icon, like that of an .NLS file.
Additional Note: With the
arrival of Internet Explorer 7, in addition to the webcheck.dll, you
will need in place the "webcheck.dll.mui" in the
C:\WINDOWS\system32\en-US folder in order to open "My Current Home Page
Properties," and to be able to get to "about:Home".
WININET.DLL.....(Internet Extensions for Win32). Needed to boot to Windows.
WSHTCPIP.DLL....(Windows Sockets Helper DLL). Essential to Internet Explorer.
WSOCK32.DLL.....(Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL). Needed for Internet Connectivity.
Winsock (short for Windows Sockets) is a specification that defines how
Windows network software should access network services, especially
WTSAPI32.DLL....(Windows Terminal Server SDK APIs). Needed by Microsoft Update. Also needed by PerfectDisk.
xmllite.dll.....(Microsoft XmlLite Library). Needed by Internet Explorer 7 Toolbar. (Installed by Internet Explorer 7.)
Additional Files Needed By Internet Explorer 7
CSCDLL.DLL......(Offline Network Agent). After installing Internet Explorer 7, If this file is not present your system can lockup while working at your Desktop.
CSCUI.DLL.......(Client Side Caching UI). After installing Internet Explorer 7, If this file is not present your system can lockup while working at your Desktop.
NT MP Router Administration DLL). After installing Internet Explorer 7,
this file is one of five system32 files needed to open Internet
Options: MPRAPI.DLL, msrating.dll, rasapi32.dll, rasdlg.dll and rasman.dll.
MSCTFIME.IME....(Microsoft Text Frame Work Service IME). Installed with Internet Explorer 7. If this file is not present your system could lockup while working at your Desktop.
Ratings and Local User Management DLL). After installing Internet
Explorer 7, this file is one of five system32 files needed to open
Internet Options: MPRAPI.DLL, msrating.dll, rasapi32.dll, rasdlg.dll and rasman.dll.
Access API). After installing Internet Explorer 7, this file is one of
five system32 files needed to open Internet Options: MPRAPI.DLL, msrating.dll, rasapi32.dll, rasdlg.dll and rasman.dll.
Additionally, in Internet Properties under the Connections tab, under
"Dial-up and Virtual Private Network Settings" the rasapi32.dll and the
rasman.dll are needed to access the New Connection Wizard. The New
Connection Wizard is accessed through the "Add" button.
Access Common Dialog API). After installing Internet Explorer 7, this
file is one of five system32 files needed to open Internet Options: MPRAPI.DLL, msrating.dll, rasapi32.dll, rasdlg.dll and rasman.dll. Additionally needed to open Network Connections in Control Panel.
Access Connection Manager). After installing Internet Explorer 7, this
file is one of five system32 files needed to open Internet Options: MPRAPI.DLL, msrating.dll, rasapi32.dll, rasdlg.dll and rasman.dll.
Additionally, in Internet Properties under the Connections tab, under
"Dial-up and Virtual Private Network Settings" the rasman.dll and the
rasapi32.dll are needed to access the New Connection Wizard. The New
Connection Wizard is accessed through the "Add" button.
Files Needed To Boot To Windows
Windows 32 Base API). Provides access to the fundamental resources
available to a Windows system. Included are things like file systems,
devices, processes and threads, access to the Windows registry, and
error handling.
AUTHZ.DLL .......Authorization Framework
Check Disk). Launches automatically during Windows XP bootup if a
volume is marked as dirty (has bad clusters, has error blocks, or is
otherwise damaged).
bootvid.dll.....VGA Boot Driver
BROWSEUI.DLL....Shell Browser UI Library
Controls Library). Provides the functionality to create and manage
screen windows and most basic controls, such as buttons and scrollbars,
receive mouse and keyboard input, and other functionality associated
with the GUI part of Windows. Gives applications access to some
advanced controls provided by the operating system. These include
things like status bars, progress bars, toolbars and tabs.
Dialogs DLL). Provides applications the standard dialog boxes for
opening and saving files, choosing color and font, etc.
CRYPT32.DLL.....Crypto API32
CRYPTDLL.DLL....Cryptography Manager
CRYPTUI.DLL.....Microsoft Trust UI Provider
CSRSRV.DLL......Client Server Runtime Process
Runtime Server Subsystem). Used to maintain the Win32 system
environment console and other essential functions.
dpcdll.dll......(Dpcdll Module). Product Code activation.
DirectUser Engine). If you delete this file Windows will display the
classic logoff and logon prompts. However, you can boot up to Windows
without it. Also needed by Add/Remove Module.
EVENTLOG.DLL....(Event Logging Service). Without this file present it will take a very long time for your system to boot to Windows. Needed by Event Viewer.
Client DLL). Provides the functionality for outputting graphical
content to monitors, printers and other output devices.
hal.dll.........Hardware Abstraction Layer
iertutil.dll....(Run time utility for Internet Explorer). Needed to start explorer.exe with Internet Explorer 7 installed on your system.
The explorer.exe (located in the C:\WINDOWS folder), manages the
Windows Graphical Shell including the Start Menu, Taskbar, Desktop, and
File Manager. Without it running, the graphical interface for Windows
will disappear. (The iertutil.dll is installed by Internet Explorer 7.)
IMAGEHLP.DLL....Windows NT Image Helper
kbdus.dll.......(United States Keyboard Layout). You may need a different KBD*.DLL depending on your system. (See PART 7.)
kdcom.dll.......Kernel Debugger HW Extension DLL
NT BASE API Client DLL). Provides access to the fundamental resources
available to a Windows system. Included are things like file systems,
devices, processes and threads, access to the Windows registry, and
error handling.
LOGONUI.EXE.....(Windows Logon User Interface). The user interface that appears when Windows XP first starts. If you delete this file, Windows will display the classic logoff and logon prompts. However, you can boot up to Windows without it.
LSASS.EXE.......(LSA Security Service). The Local Security Authority server process.
MPR.DLL.........Multiple Provider Router DLL
MSASN1.DLL......ASN.1 Runtime APIs
MSGINA.DLL......(Windows NT Logon GINA DLL). Loads Logon User Interface.
MSIMG32.DLL.....(GDIEXT Client DLL). Without this file present, upon booting to Windows, you will need to click OK on a Logon Message in order to enter Windows.
MSPRIVS.DLL.....Microsoft Privilege Translations
MSV1_0.DLL......Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0
MSVCP60.DLL.....Microsoft ® C++ Runtime Library
normaliz.dll....(Unicode Normalization DLL). Needed to start explorer.exe with Internet Explorer 7 installed on your system.
The explorer.exe (located in the C:\WINDOWS folder), manages the
Windows Graphical Shell including the Start Menu, Taskbar, Desktop, and
File Manager. Without it running, the graphical interface for Windows
will disappear. (The normaliz.dll is installed by Internet Explorer 7.)
NDDEAPI.DLL.....Network DDE Share Management APIs
NTDLL.DLL.......NT Layer DLL
NTMARTA.DLL.....(Windows NT MARTA provider). I can boot to Windows without this file, but my Windows Style reverts to Default Blue.
NTOSKRNL.EXE....(NT Kernel & System). Windows XP operating system Kernel.
nv4_disp.dll....(NVIDIA Compatible Windows 2000 Display driver). Essential for Display Adapter. And needed to boot to Windows.
ODBC32.DLL......Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager
ODBCINT.DLL.....Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Resources
oleacc.dll......Active Accessibility Core Component
oleaccrc.dll....Active Accessibility Resource DLL
The above two files are both needed to avoid seeing these four Classic Logon prompts:
(Upon booting to Windows) "Log On to Windows" ...Then you will either
need to click on OK, or if you use a password, type it in, and then
click on OK.
2. (And then) "Loading your personal settings"
3. (Upon restarting from your Desktop) "Please wait... Windows in saving your settings"
4. (And then) "Windows is shutting down"
OLE32.DLL.......Microsoft OLE for Windows
PSAPI.DLL.......Process Status Helper
REGAPI.DLL......Registry Configuration API
RPCRT4.DLL .....Remote Procedure Call Runtime
RPCSS.DLL ......(Distributed COM Services). Main Service file for Remote Procedure Call (RPC).
RSAENH.DLL......(Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider). The RSAENH.DLL is needed to accurately check license for Windows.
SCESRV.DLL......Windows Security Configuration Editor Engine
SECUR32.DLL.....Security Support Provider Interface
services.exe....(Services and Controller app). Main Service file for Plug and Play.
SETUPAPI.DLL....Windows Setup API
SFC_OS.DLL......(Windows File Protection). You
can boot to Windows without this file, but not without first having to
click OK on an error that appears telling you the SFC_OS.DLL cannot be
SHDOCVW.DLL.....Shell Doc Object and Control Library
SHELL32.DLL.....Windows Shell Common Dll
shgina.dll......(Windows Shell User Logon). Needed
to restart your computer from your Desktop. Further, once you delete or
move this file from the system32 folder--even if you put it back--you
still won't be able to restart from your Desktop.
Light-weight Utility Library). Allows applications to access the
functionality provided by the operating system shell, as well as change
and enhance it.
SMSS.EXE........(Windows NT Session Manager). Used to establish the Windows XP environment during bootup.
SVCHOST.EXE.....Generic Host Process for Win32 Services
SXS.DLL.........Fusion 2.5
umpnpmgr.dll....User-mode Plug-and-Play Service
user32.dll......Windows XP USER API Client DLL
USERINIT.EXE....(User Initialization). Used to establish the operating environment for a user after logon.
UXTHEME.DLL.....(Microsoft UxTheme Library). Main Service file for Themes.
VERSION.DLL.....Version Checking and File Installation Libraries
WATCHDOG.SYS....Watchdog Driver
WIN32K.SYS......Multi-User Win32 Driver
WININET.DLL.....Internet Extensions for Win32
WINLOGON.EXE....(Windows NT Logon Application). Windows logon manager. Handles the login and logout procedures.
WINSPOOL.DRV....(Windows Spooler Driver). Important:
If in PART 5 you chose to delete the system folder and its files
(C:\WINDOWS\system), at least keep the copy of the WINSPOOL.DRV that is
in the system32 folder, or you may not be able to reboot to Windows. Just be sure to keep one of them.
WINSRV.DLL......Windows Server DLL
WINSTA.DLL......Winstation Library
WINTRUST.DLL....Microsoft Trust Verification APIs
wpa.dbl.........Windows Product Activation (WPA).
WS2_32.DLL......Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL
WS2HELP.DLL.....Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows NT
XPSP2RES.DLL....Service Pack 2 Messages
Compatibility Client Library). Should you install SP3, know that the
Management Console is now dependent upon the apphelp.dll and will not
open without it being present.
Control Panel Applets I Keep
appwiz.cpl.....(Shell Application Manager). Add or Remove Programs Control Panel applet.
desk.cpl.......(Desktop Control Panel). Display Properties Control Panel applet.
inetcpl.cpl....(Internet Control Panel). Internet Options Control Panel applet.
main.cpl.......(Control Panel DLL). Mouse Properties and Keyboard Properties Control Panel applets.
If you delete the main.cpl to remove the Mouse Properties and Keyboard
Properties Control Panel applets, the default icons for Administrative
Tools and the Fonts Folder shortcuts in the Control Panel will
eventually disappear. (You will however still be able to use the
shortcuts for Administrative Tools and the Fonts Folder.) After you
reboot your system their icons will reappear, but only temporarily.
powercfg.cpl....(Power Management Configuration Control Panel Applet). Along with the POWRPROF.DLL, needed to enter Power Options where you can adjust how you want your computer to power down.
sysdm.cpl.......(System Applet for the Control Panel). System Properties Control Panel applet.
timedate.cpl....(Time Date Control Panel Applet). Date and Time Properties Control Panel applet.
wuaucpl.cpl.....(Automatic Updates Control Panel). Automatic Updates Control Panel applet. Needed by Microsoft Update.
ASYCFILT.DLL...Allows applications to communicate between each other using Object Linking and Embedding (OLE).
ATTRIB.EXE......(Attribute Utility). Displays or changes file attributes (read-only, archive, hidden, or system). I keep this file because I need it for a few of my batch files which remove files with Hidden file attributes.
AUDIOSRV.DLL....(Windows Audio Service). Needed to hear sound on your computer. Main Service file for Windows Audio.
Needed by Microsoft Update
ADVPACK.DLL.....(Advpack Library). When
you delete this file your Microsoft Update Start Menu shortcut (the one
created by Microsoft Update) is no longer functional. You can create a new shortcut, but Microsoft Update will still need the ADVPACK.DLL to function.
ATL.DLL.........(ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode). Also needed to open Event and Services Viewers. And needed by Outlook Express.
Without this file Outlook Express will not open. You will receive this
message when you click on the Outlook Express shortcut: Outlook Express could not be started because MSOE.DLL could not be found. Outlook Express may not be installed correctly.
CABINET.DLL.....(Microsoft® Cabinet File API). Also needed to access Properties of Devices in Device Manager.
CDM.DLL.........Windows Update CDM Stub
corpol.dll......Microsoft COM Runtime Execution Engine
cryptsvc.dll....(Cryptographic Services). Needed by Cryptographic Services. Also needed to access Properties of Disk Drives.
dssenh.dll......(Microsoft Enhanced DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider). Also needed by Internet Explorer.
ESENT.DLL.......(Server Database Storage Engine). Also needed to access Properties of Disk Drives.
iuengine.dll....Windows Update Control Engine
JSCRIPT.DLL.....(Microsoft ® JScript). Also needed by Services Viewer.
Genuine Advantage Validation). If you delete the LegitCheckControl.dll
along with the other Windows Genuine Advantage files, (See PART 9 under Windows Genuine Advantage.),
Microsoft Update will make it "mandatory" that you re-install WGA
before it will allow you to continue to get Microsoft Updates--instead
of giving you "the option" of installing WGA, as it does if you only
delete the wgalogon.dll and the wgatray.exe files.
licdll.dll......Licdll Module
msidle.dll......User Idle Monitor
MSPATCHA.DLL....Microsoft® Patch Engine
muweb.dll.......(Microsoft Update Web Control). Installed by Microsoft Update Software.
generation). During Windows setup the pidgen.dll produces a PID
(Product Identification) from the serial number entered.
qmgr.dll........(Background Intelligent Transfer Service). Main Service file for Background Intelligent Transfer.
SCHANNEL.DLL....(TLS / SSL Security Provider). Also needed by Internet Explorer.
SFC.DLL.........Windows File Protection
SHFOLDER.DLL....(Shell Folder Service). Also needed by PerfectDisk 6. (PerfectDisk 8 does not need the SHFOLDER.DLL.)
webcheck.dll....(Web Site Monitor). Needed by Microsoft Update. You will need the webcheck.dll to install the new Microsoft Update software.
C:\WINDOWS\Offline Web Pages folder stores downloaded Webpages for
offline availability. By default, within the folder is the Web
Document, "My Current Home Page". When you click on it, you will be
taken to your Home Page. The URL you will then see in your Explorer
address bar should read "about:Home". When you right-click on "My
Current Home Page" and select Properties, you will see the options for
Offline Synchronization.
When you remove the webcheck.dll, the
options in Properties will no longer be available, and you will not be
able to get to "about:Home". The "My Current Home Page" will become a
desktop.ini. The Offline Web Pages folder itself will, after a time,
lose its default icon, becoming a plain, manila folder, as any other.
Or, it could lose its folder appearance entirely, and become a bland,
file icon, like that of an .NLS file.
Additional Note: With the
arrival of Internet Explorer 7, in addition to the webcheck.dll, you
will need in place the "webcheck.dll.mui" in the
C:\WINDOWS\system32\en-US folder in order to open "My Current Home Page
Properties," and to be able to get to "about:Home".
WINHTTP.DLL.....(Windows HTTP Services). Uncovered by Level, one of our forum members: The winhttp.dll is also needed to open Wireless Network Setup Wizard in Control Panel.
WINSCARD.DLL....Microsoft Smart Card API
WLNOTIFY.DLL....Common DLL to receive Winlogon notifications
You need both the WINSCARD.DLL and the WLNOTIFY.DLL for these two functions: (Uncovered by one of our forum members, XiRoX.)
When you right-click on a shortcut and select Properties from the
context menu, "Find Target" is one of the buttons you will see in the
opening dialog box. When clicked, the folder where the target file is
located will open.
2.) When searching with your Search
Assistant, should you right-click on a file displayed in the results
panel, and then select "Open Containing Folder" from the context menu,
the folder where the file is located will open.
So, you set your file-removal program to take out Microsoft Update. ...Oops!
said it countless times throughout this guide, many files have more
than one purpose on a system. That is what makes deleting files with
precision so difficult...and so important. And that is why removing
whole components with file-removal programs is something I choose not
to do.
WTSAPI32.DLL....(Windows Terminal Server SDK APIs). Needed both to view the Automatic Updates tab in System Properties, and by Microsoft Update. Also needed to enter System Properties by right-clicking on My Computer and selecting Properties without receiving this error: This application has failed to start because WTSAPI32.DLL was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this. However, System Properties will open after clicking OK on the error message even without this file present.
WUAPI.DLL.......Windows Update Client API
wuapi.dll.mui...Windows Update Client API
WUAUCLT.EXE.....(Windows Update). An auto-update client.
wuauclt1.exe....Windows Update AutoUpdate Client
wuaucpl.cpl.....(Automatic Updates Control Panel). Automatic Updates Control Panel applet.
wuaucpl.cpl.mui...Automatic Updates Control Panel
wuaueng.dll.....Windows Update AutoUpdate Engine
wuaueng.dll.mui...Windows Update Agent
WUAUENG1.DLL....Windows Update AutoUpdate Engine
wuauserv.dll....(Windows Update AutoUpdate Service). Main Service file for Automatic Updates.
WUCLTUI.DLL.....Windows Update Client UI Plugin
wucltui.dll.mui...Windows Update Client UI Plugin
wupdmgr.exe.....Windows Update Manager for NT
WUPS.DLL........Windows Update client proxy stub
wups2.dll.......Windows Update client proxy stub 2
WUWEB.DLL.......Windows Update Web Control
Windows Media Player
See PART 9 under Windows Media Player Files for Windows Media Player files I delete. You will also find some additional Windows Media Player files I delete in PART 4 under C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player.
AVI File support library). If you download from the Megaupload site
(and most likely if you upload to it too) you are going to need the avifil32.dll, along with the MFC42.DLL (DirectX file).
DBGHELP.dll.....(Windows Image Helper). Absolutely needed by Windows Media Player 11.
Without it, when you click on something to play, a message tells you to
re-install Windows Media Player. Also needed to install WMP11.
mcicda.dll......(MCI driver for cdaudio devices). Needed by Windows Media Player burning and ripping processes.
MFPLAT.dll......(Media Foundation Platform). To even open Windows Media Player 11.
msvfw32.dll.....(Microsoft Video for Windows DLL). Needed to open Windows Media Player.
WMASF.DLL.......Windows Media ASF DLL
WDMAUD.DRV......(WDM Audio driver mapper). Needed by Windows Media Player. Also needed to hear sound in Windows Pinball Game.
WMP.DLL.........(Windows Media Player Core). Needed to open Windows Media Player.
wmpdxm.dll......(Windows Media 6.4 Player Shim). Needed by too many Websites with streaming media to not keep this file installed on my system. The wmpdxm.dll and the msdxm.ocx (a DirectX file) work together. The wmpdxm.dll is also needed to play media files with Media Player 6.4 (mplayer2.exe).
wmpeffects.dll..(Windows Media Player Effects). Needed for visual effects while playing music with Windows Media Player 11.
WMPLOC.DLL......(Windows Media Player). Needed to open Windows Media Player.
wmpps.dll.......(Windows Media Player Proxy Stub Dll). Needed
to rip music CDs using Windows Media Player 11 with file-name
information intact, such as the name of the artist, album, song title.
Without the wmpps.dll file present, the file-name information it will
read and write as "01 Unknown Artist Track 1". Also needed to burn .WMA files to a CD using WMP11.
wmpshell.dll....(Windows Media Player Launcher). Without
the wmpshell.dll present WMP cannot remember that it's supposed to open
your media files. The Open With dialog box will open instead, asking
you to choose a program you want to use to open the file. Even if
you put a tick in "Always use the selected program to open this kind of
file," WMP will not remember, and you'll have to do it all over again
the next time you click to open a media file.
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